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We hope this note finds you safe and healthy. Indian Rocks Beach is so fortunate to be surrounded by a supportive community with volunteers willing to step up and help during these unsettling times. IRB Action 2000 and the IRB Homeowners Association – have jointly created a task group to put in place support initiatives for our residents and our at-risk population. There are two parts to the assistance programs.


The first support initiative is an information support document. Collaboratively, we created a resource list with the latest information on national, state and local resources. It includes Covid-19 links, local resources and access sites as well as restaurant, grocery and pharmaceutical information. The latest version can be found at and It is being updated weekly.


The second support initiative – Shop and Drop Program for IRB Seniors. Every residence in Indian Rocks Beach has received a postcard outlining support that is available to our most vulnerable residents - those over 70 and those over 60 with underlying conditions. Volunteers will accept requests from eligible IRB residents for grocery and pharmaceutical shopping and delivery. Our goal is to keep them safe and cared for in their own homes. As we better understand the demand for the program, we may be reaching out to our members for additional volunteer support.

Shop  Drop Postcard Announcement.jpg


IRB Information Support Document_5-19_FI


Hello to All A2K members and supporters


I’m sure we can all agree that these uncertain times have brought about many changes to our daily lives.  With the recent Florida stay-at-home order, our new normal is now limited to going out for the essentials, only.  As hard as it is to just stay put, we know it’s the right thing to do for everyone’s health and safety.  Thank you to everyone for doing your part. For the same reasons, your Executive Board is keeping our social distance and being safe by communicating via email and conference calls only.  We will continue to work virtually. 


To comply with the Florida stay-at-home order and beyond, we are canceling our Action 2000 meetings scheduled for April 13th and May 11th and also the Service Saturday on April 25th.  As details of the current situation become available, we will update with the status of future A2K meetings and events.  The May Mixer/Historical Tour launch currently scheduled for May 16th is being postponed to ensure everyone’s safety and health.  Additional details of this event for a future date will be forthcoming as they become available. 


IRB is working together more than ever to build on the strength of our community.  In just a few days, A2K collaborated and built a 3-phase initiative to inform and support our citizens.  Phase 1 is an information document explaining where to find reliable COVID-19 details from global, federal, state and local sources.  It also includes the IRB restaurants that are still open offering carryout and/or delivery.  Phase 2 is the Shop and Drop assistance program.  It benefits people in IRB that are over 70 or 60+ with underlying conditions and need help by providing them with the basics like grocery shopping or picking up medications.  There will be ongoing communications of this assistance with the extended stay-at-home order.  Phase 3 is the video featuring Mayor Cookie.  The message is one of reality, strength, and hope.  A special thank you to Phil Hanna for quickly producing the high-quality video – and at no cost to A2K!  The video had over 1,200 views on day one.  If you haven’t watched it yet, please do so.  It’s located on the A2K Facebook page and on the A2K and City of IRB websites. 


A special thank you goes out to those volunteers who have taken the initiative to continue weeding, trimming and cleanup around the City. These areas have become a sanctuary and source of peace and calm during these unsettling times. Your work has not gone unnoticed.  Stay safe and healthy.  As always, please let me know of any questions. 


Best Regards



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